Extended Office Logo

Our Family is
our strength

Health Award 2019
Best Health and Productivity Award

Our family
during the day time!
Embla Software Innovation is the extended family of all our employees. As a family, we take care of each other to grow professionally and personally.
Well being of our employees is key family priority. The place you work for 8.5 hours a day has to be comfortable and convenient.
We will never forget the people not so fortunate as our selves. We take responsible in the society to promote education, language, good collaboration, openness and honesty. We are supporting the future generation.
With a flat management structure, we have given responsibility to the team and the individuals.
If given the responsibility and trust, everyone will live up to the task. They will deliver reliable, accurate and quality software.
out of the box
Thinking new and being creative - challenging the system is what we do.
We challenge how we work to deliver working software every day – and in the evening, we just make some grub